The movie Rise of the planet of Apes is an upcoming science fiction film successor to the series of science fiction films, The Planet of Apes. Though the film does not fit into the sequence of the series, the movie tells the imaginary story of apes supremacy and take-over of the planet earth. The forthcoming film is directed by Rupert Wyatt and written by Pierre Boulle and Rick Jaffa with James Franco, Andy Serkis and Freida Pinto as the main star cast.
If you have watched and enjoyed the previous science fiction flicks in the series you must watch Rise of the planet of Apes movie online to witness the imaginary rise of the Apes on our planet earth. As unpredictable as it could be, Will’s medicine instead of providing a cure for Alzhemer’s produces some extra ordinary effects in the brain of the ape.
I know by now you can’t wait to download The rise of the planet of Apes movie online to know what happens to Caesor and how does the drug impacts his brain.
Caesor under the impact of the new drug gets empowered with human like intelligence. He starts picking up things rapidly and scientists keep on testing on him to expand their knowledge about genetic engineering. In no time he realizes that he along with his species are abused by the humans. Feeling of revenge sets in his heart.
One fine day he manages to break free from the cage and release the cure among other apes, who have increased intellegence similar to Caesar’s. Now there are a million of apes, all burning with the desire to avenge the atrocities committed upon their species. They plan, organize into an army and pose a war.
Now do the apes finally succeed in their war for supremacy or does Will Rodman is able to stop them from defeating the humans and ruling the earth as the dominant and powerful species find out by watching the movie.
The movie is scheduled to hit the theatres on August 5, 2011, you can however download rise of the planet of apes movie online and watch it in your free time.
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